Cali-Born Dreams adheres to the highest of standards and remains devoted to helping you and your companion… feel better. You can always find two constant companions with Sam Sharaiha, founder of Cali-Born Dreams – his beloved dogs, Lily and Zeuss. They are his BFFs, travel mates, protectors and bed warmers. Both rescued by Sam from unacceptable situations. Zeuss was being primed for life as a fight dog, which Sam found reprehensible and he ultimately managed to adopt him.
Sam’s friend adopted Lily, who wanted to help ease her father’s depression after his retirement. But, as the months wore on, Sam saw Lily bounced around, with no stability in her life. So he got full “custody” of her. Not long after, Sam was concerned to see welts on the top of Lily’s head. The vet looked at her and diagnosed her with Histiocytoma, a skin condition not uncommon in young dogs. The doctor told him there was unfortunately not much that could done about it. The growths would come and go over the years.
At four, rambunctious Lily tore her ACL and needed surgery. As Sam was already in production with his Cali-Born Dreams products, he started to administer CBD doses for her comfort in recovery. It was so effective, that she didn’t need pharmaceutical pain relievers at all. She not only recovered swiftly, but her welts had disappeared completely!